We were exceedingly lucky that one of our Research Committee members works with Prof. Lalonde of University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM), who formed a working group to take on this project. Several of the CFO Research Committee members are part of the study team. The survey will use the established OPERA census survey provided through The OPERA Project.
The OPERA Canada group is now well into preparations for conducting a national survey to gauge the status of Osteopathy in Canada.
The OPERA Canada group organized through the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) by Dr. Francois Lalonde is now well into preparations for conducting a national survey to gauge the status of Osteopathy in Canada.
The primary goal of the OPERA project (https://www.comecollaboration.org/research/projects/) is to offer a precise representation that mirrors the state of the osteopathic profession at a global scale. Findings from the project will have an impact on the execution of potential national and international policies regarding the professionalization in the line of work. The OPERA Canada project will serve as a strong foundation of data for future discussions with regards to osteopathy, accessibility, professional training and health care system.

AxeSO is a Canadian non-profit organization situated in Montreal that was established to promote research and innovation in Osteopathy. Their focus is on the Quebec and French-speaking osteopathic community who are interested in research and scientific advances in osteopathy, but their mandate is one of collaboration and open exchange.
Their first French-language scientific congress was in 2023 providing speakers, workshops, and posters with in-person and remote attendance options. The CFO representative for Osteopathy Europe (OE) presented information about AxeSO at Convention Osteopathy 2023 in London, UK, in October 2023.
This year AxeSO is holding its scientific congress on November 2, 2024, at the University of Quebec in Montreal. This year the theme is ‘Exploring Connections and Expanding Horizons’. In-person tickets are capped at 300.