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Research Resources

Research for the efficacy and effectiveness of osteopathic care is growing rapidly. It can be difficult to keep up with the amount of research out there, and collectively what it means for the profession and the practitioner. This page is dedicated to keeping our membership abreast of the current state of research and the clinical implications of the findings by collating resources and providing access to osteopathic research and related scientific events and information from across Canada and around the world.

McMaster’s Faculty of Health Sciences

McMaster’s Faculty of Health Sciences provides an accessible page for those interested in Evidence-Based Practice (EBP). “On this page, you will learn about the core concepts of EBP and be directed to additional resources for deepening your knowledge and improving your evidence-based skills.” 

The page includes resources like: Searching databases, guides, and articles for learning how to evaluate and critically appraise various types of research, and information about EBP core concepts.


The Centre for Osteopathic Medicine (COME) Collaboration

“COME is a non-profit foundation looking to establish international and multidisciplinary partnerships initially as a launching pad for discussing ideas and concepts and, in the long-term, to pursue grant funding, high quality research, clinical and health care support.”


The National Council for Osteopathic Research (NCOR)

“NCOR was established in 2003 to provide leadership and unity in osteopathic research development. NCOR aims to improve the osteopathic evidence base using different means including providing strategic leadership and collaboration, engagement and education, communication, development, and sustainability.”


Osteopathy Europe

“The Osteopathy Europe Research Committee … works to disseminate research relevant to osteopathic practice and to facilitate collaboration across the osteopathic research communities in Europe.”

“Osteopathy Europe has funded a pilot study to support the collection of Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs), to measure the effect of osteopathic care for patients as part of daily practice. This information is collected directly from patients by an independent research organisation, as evidence for osteopaths in the United Kingdom (UK) and mainland Europe.”
